Friday, November 29, 2013

Post Finals Partying

The last couple weeks of the semester went by super fast and finals were now upon us. Reed studied constantly and after they were finally over, we found we had free time again! We deemed this worthy of some partying, and I for one was ecstatic to see Reed more often!
We started to explore more of our little peninsula...we hadn't ventured too far by this point. We had seen an old lighthouse on the tip of the peninsula, so we decided to check out the area. It is so beautiful out there, and the cliffs are enormous! We all experienced a little vertigo standing on the edge. 

The view up here is breathtaking, and I am once again grateful to live on an island in the sun. 

Reed informed me that some day he will free climb these cliffs into the ocean, but I want to keep him around for a good long time and don't believe that is the best way to do so. Maybe we can just sit on the edge instead...
Our good friend Alex had her birthday the day after finals, so of course we added that to our celebrations! We had a great weekend eating good Chinese food at our favorite restaurant and ended with cake and games. What a great ending to our first semester here in Grenada!

Friday, November 15, 2013

St. George's University Campus

Seeing how Reed spends most of his time at school, I thought it would be nice to do a post highlighting the campus. It is a huge campus, and is so beautiful. We really lucked out coming to St. George's University. I know this will be a once in a lifetime experience, and we couldn't be happier with where life has taken us. 

The library is one of the main buildings on upper campus. One of the best views I have seen on the island can be found here. I would have taken pictures, but the best windows are in the bathrooms…

This spot is right outside of the library. I couldn't pass up how pretty it looked.

This hill may not look like much, but it feels like a heart attack waiting to happen. Every road to upper campus is steep and I'm always surprised when I make it to the top alive.

I knew that everyone would want to see the bus stop on campus, so here it is! There are usually dozens of people waiting at any time of day, and we have found it is a great place to people watch.

This building is used for all of Reed's classes. Can you imagine 6 hours of class in one room? I would go crazy.

The last few pictures are the study areas that Reed frequents. There are a lot of group study areas and also quiet rooms for all of the students study desires.

 It's always fun for me to see how many students are studying vs. looking at Facebook, other internet sites or texting.

Our Home in Grenada

I have been putting off blogging recently, and I thought I better get back into it. I realized I had been quite rude and had not even shown our apartment yet. So here it is, better late then never! Our apartment complex is called Green Flats and is located in Lance Aux Epines. Now, let's head inside.

We have such a big kitchen here, and it's actually being used! For those of you that know me well, you are aware that I haven't always been the best domestic goddess…but I'm trying to turn a new leaf and learn to cook more. It's been a process, but it's coming along.

Onto the living room! We do not entertain that many guests…but it's a nice, big room if the occasion arises.

We were really lucky to get a 2-bedroom apartment, so if any of you feel so inclined…we have an extra room for visitors!

Doesn't this room just look so inviting? It's almost begging for visitors. :)

Up front in this picture is our mango tree, and next to it is an orange tree and grapefruit tree. We have loved having fruit whenever we want.

Now for a walk around the neighborhood. It is a beautiful evening out here...

There are jungles all over the island, where everything is super dense and green. We have really enjoyed exploring the area around our house. Our favorite part however, is watching all of the crabs in the greenery. It was really difficult to get pictures of them, because they bolt into their holes when we would get too close.