Friday, May 23, 2014

Spring Celebrations 2014

This semester has been a really busy one for Reed. Most days he is gone for lab all morning and has class all afternoon! Needless to say, our number of outings (and pictures) are more limited. However, we still made time for two of the most important holidays of Spring...our birthdays!

We have some great neighbors that came and decorated outside for my birthday,

Reed also spoiled me with decorations inside! If only we could have gone to Cafe Rio for dinner...then my day would have been perfect!

Reed made a pretty stellar cake, complete with chocolate frosting. No way to go wrong there! I was super impressed, and to make it even better, he cleaned the kitchen afterward. I am spoiled!

I had to try extra hard this year for Reed's birthday. It's hard to throw a high caliber party for someone when none of their favorite things can be found on island. Needless to say, we improvised a little. I may have saved and reused the same decorations...don't judge.

I was able to find a sunhat and a couple little souvenirs that I thought Reed would like. I was quite the spectacle though, trying to estimate Reed's head size while trying on hats.

I knew a had a couple winners though...skittles and mentos never disappoint.

We invited some neighbors and friends to dinner at our local Chinese seems as though we don't eat anywhere else, we really do. We ended the night with our favorite game, The Great Dalmuti, and cake and ice cream. Not too shabby I'd say.

The last month of the semester consisted of lots of studying. We took advantage of evenings when we could have a dinner date on campus. Grenada has breathtaking sunsets, and we took full advantage of watching them.

One of the last weeks of the semester we found this bouldering wall on campus! Reed and I both are really excited to try it out this summer. Hopefully the holds won't break on us!